Hello and welcome to my website
Thank you very much for showing interest in my undertakings and I invite you to browse through the various sections at your leisure.
As an introduction, I was born in Adelaide, South Australia, later graduated with my music degrees at the Elder Conservatorium, University of Adelaide and shortly afterwards moved to Switzerland.
Years later, in 2009, I unexpectedly began composing, writing song texts and poetry and thanks to many supportive colleagues have since been able to have my works performed, recorded, produced, published and distributed.
A selection of works can also be found online, via CD, sheet music or on YouTube with Susannah Snow’s Channel.
Hoping you enjoy my music,
Susannah Snow

I am very honoured and grateful to be able to present one of my newest songs with organ accompaniment, “Gegrüsset seist du, Maria” op. 106 (Ave Maria) with the heartfelt and moving interpretation of Klaus Mertens, renowned Bass-baritone. I had composed this song just weeks before its premiere on Tuesday, 18th of October 2022 and we were truly blessed by the performance of Klaus Mertens at the opening recital of this new Concert Series at the Ref. Church in Menziken, Switzerland initiated by Bruno von Nünlist. I am also thankful to Fabian Stadler for his live recording and to the artist, Vittoria Theresia Mozzi, (Zurich/Ticino) for her most beautiful painting.

My first steps out of Switzerland since September 2019 with a most moving and memorable pilgrimage to Portugal in September 2022 including a memorial concert for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, R.I.P. in the presence of distinguished guests at the monumental and magnificently restored Ourém Castle playing the piano including a song cycle by Brahms performed with Bruno von Nünlist and in the second half of the concert reciting the poem “O Mundo” by H.E. Bishop Manuel Santos which I had written music to and sang and accompanied myself with the harp and also singing English hymns. More details in About: News 2022.
Here I present my newest CD for solo piano with compositions written between 2010-2020. Now available on Apple Music, Spotify and other online platforms. I am most honoured that Everlasting Joy has also found its way to my designated folder held within the
Music Library of Stift Beromünster.
With many thanks:
Recordings edited by Vincenz Suter, Lucerne and also mastered by Fabian Stadler, www.allsound.ch, front cover painting by Vittoria Theresia Mozzi, Zürich/Ticino, inside cover photo at Schlössliwald and graphic design by Sepp de Vries, Beromünster and produced by Emanomusic.

It is with utmost gratitude and joy, that I am able to convey to you that I am one of 16 recipients to have been honoured with the Mathilde Müller Preis 2021, an award presented in the 40th Jubilee Year of the Josef Müller Stiftung Muri, Switzerland. More details can be found on the website of the Josef Müller Stiftung Muri
And my three CDs for voice and piano can be found and listened to on Apple Music, Spotify and other online platforms.

Sheet Music Publication in 2020
The Angel of Peace
I am thrilled to be able to announce the first sheet music publication of one of my vocal compositions – „The Angel of Peace“ (2016) – which was inspired by the apparitions of the Archangel St. Michael, the Angel of Portugal at Fatima in 1916 to the three shepherd children Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto.
Further I am most deeply honoured to have been permitted to dedicate this song to
H.R.H. Dom Duarte Pio de Bragança, Duke of Bragança, Head of the Portuguese Royal House.
This 16 page book was published by Emanomusic and the cover displays a wonderful painting by the Swiss artist Vittoria Theresia Mozzi who studied the text and history of the apparitions at Fatima and then created this moving work of art of the Angel of Peace together with Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco.
The photo of this painting was taken by Michael Dellefant, the graphic layout designed with Avarel Studios and I programmed the music score with the Sibelius Ultimate 2020 Music Programme.
I am also grateful that this publication is now available at Musik Hug Zürich with Order Number 80.EMD 012-3 at CHF19.- and am endeavoured to donate proceeds to children’s charities so thank you very much for your kind support,
Susannah Snow
Released in summer 2020:
Paul Klee’s „Double Tent“ 1923, 114 has inspired 50’ of music for soprano and piano.
I have dedicated this song cycle to Angela Rosengart, Martina Kral and Carmela Konrad, in gratitude for their support and collaboration, especially in the year of 2017 when this work was created and in 2018 when it was recorded.
Please visit The Rosengart Collection Museum, Lucerne where Paul Klee’s masterpiece can be found at its home in the Klee Room.
Twin Tents has been admitted to the Music Archive in the Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern and is available at The Museum Rosengart Collection, Musik Hug Zurich and various other outlets. More about this project can be found under ArtMusic.
There will be an interesting analysis of Paul Klee’s “Double Tent” being conducted on Monday, 3rd of October, 2022, 12.15-12.45 to which I am looking forward to attend during this 20th anniversary year of The Museum Rosengart Collection in its location at Pilatusstrasse.